Senin, 02 September 2013


Art is the expression of one's feelings are poured into the creations in the form of motion , appearance , tone , poetry , containing unsue - element of beauty , and can affect the feelings of others .

1 . Art Music is the outpouring of one's feelings expressed in the form of a beautiful tone and lyrics .
2 . Art is the outpouring of feelings expressed in the form of visual / images .
3 . Dramatic Arts is an outpouring of feelings of someone who put in the form of motion storytelling mixed with appropriate music .
4 . Dance is an outpouring of feelings expressed in the form of an organized movement of limbs and rhythmic .

CULTURAL ARTS are artistic creations , whether in the form of Music , Art, Drama , and Dance are born and developed and maintained for generations by the people in an area , and is characteristic of the area .

Arts in Music , 2 ( two ) elements, namely : Vocal and Instrument .
Vocal tones are the strains that come out of the human voice .
Instrument is the notes that came out of the musical instruments used .

VOCAL TECHNIQUE is : How to produce a good sound and correct , so that the sound comes out sounding clear , beautiful , melodious , and sonorous .

1 . Articulation , is a word-for- word pronunciation is good and clear .
2 . Breathing is an attempt to breathe air as much as possible , then stored , and released bit by bit as appropriate .

Breathing in the three types , namely :
- Breathing Chest : suitable for low tones , singer fatigue .
- Abdominal Breathing : fast run out of air , singing dala less suitable , because it would get tired quickly .
- Pernafasar Diaphragm : are the most suitable respiratory used to sing , because the air is used to easily set up their use , has the vocal power and good stability .

3 . Phrasering is : a good rule of beheading sentence and was so easy to understand and in accordance with the applicable rules .
4 . Attitude Agency : is the position of the body when someone is singing , she can sit , or stand , which is important not to be distracted respiratory tract .
5 . Resonance is : an attempt to beautify mefungsikan sound with air cavities that also vibrate / vibrate around the mouth and throat .
6 . Vibrato is : an attempt to beautify the song by giving a wave / sound vibrate regularly , usually applied at each end of a sentence song .
7 . Improvisation is an attempt to beautify the song with changing / adding most melodic songs with a professional , without changing the main melody .
8 . Intonation is high or low a tone that must be reached with the right .

Terms of the formation of a good Intonation :
a. Good hearing
b . respiratory control
c . Musical taste .

NADA is a sound that has regular vibrations per second .

1 . FITCH the accuracy range of tones .
2 . DURATION is the length of a note should be sounded
3 . TONE INTENSITY is hard , soft tone should be pronounced .
4 . Timbre that sounds different color each person .

Ambitus SOUND is an area that could be reached by the tone of a person .
A professional singer must be able to reach the notes from lowest to highest according to his ability .

CRESCENDO is quietly fade hard .
DESCRESCENDO is gradually aloud slowly .
STACATO is the singing voice broken .

1 . Adult Female voice ; - soprano ( high female voice ) - Messo Soprano ( being female voice ) - Alto ( low female voice )
2 . Adult Male voice : - tenor ( high male voice ) - Bariton ( being male voice ) - Bas ( low male voice )
3 . Children voice : - High - Low .

Diatonic scales is a series of seven (7 ) fruit tones in an octave that has a regular arrangement pitch . Major diatonic tone staircase is a staircase that has a tone spacing of tone 1 ( one ) and ½ ( half ) . The characteristics of Major diatonic scales :
1 . Chirpy nature
2 . vibrant
3 . Usually begins and ends with the tone of Do = C 4 . Has a pattern of intervals : 1 , 1 , . ½ , 1 , 1 , 1 , ½
Household characteristics Minor diatonic tones :
1 . Less excited .
2 . be sad
3 . Usually begins and ends with the tone of La = A 4 . Has a pattern of intervals : 1 , ½ , 1 , 1 , ½ , 1 , 1 .

Note :
This theory is not in accordance with dangdut music that are emerging in Indonesia.
Examples of Major tone bertangga song :
Advanced Fearless , Indinesia Kingdom , independence day , Halo - Halo Bandung , Indonesia Jaya , Garuda Pancasila , Mars Student .
Examples of songs that stepped tone Minor :
Gratitude , God , Autumn Flowers .

LADDER is NADA chromatic scales have only ½ the distance between its tone .
Example : C - Cis - D - Dis - E - F - Fis - G - Gis - A - Ais - B

LADDER ENHARMNONIS NADA is a series of scales that have a different name and location , but it has the same pitch .
Example : Nada Ais - Bes , Cis - Des, Gis - As, Dis - Ice , Fis - Ges .

1 . Tuned instrument is a musical instrument whose tone , but it can not form the Accord ,
example : Violin , Recorder , pianika , Harmonica , Saxophone , Tropet .
2 . Rhythmic musical instrument is a musical instrument that serves to affirm beats and usually not suggestive .
Example : Drum , drum , tambourine , Castanyet , triangle , gong .
3 . Harmonious musical instrument is a musical instrument that is able to create melodies and also capable of forming accord .
Example : Guitar , Piano , Key Board , Acordeon .

ACORD is a series of three (3 ) fruit tones or more , when sounded simultaneously it will sound beautiful and harmonious . TYPE / TOOLS GROUP MUSIC : \
A. At Musical Instruments , example : triangle , tambourine , castanets , ring the bell , drum , drums , belira , drum set , drum , kolintang , angklung .
2 . Instrument , example : Recorder , harmonica , pianika , trumpet , saxophone .
3 . Musical quotes , example : guitar , ukulele , mandolin , harp , sitar .

1 . INDIVIDUAL Functions
1 . To meet the physical needs
2 . To meet the emotional needs
1 . In the field of Religion
2 . In the field of Education
3 . In the field of Communication
4 . In the field of Recreation

APPRECIATION the totality of activities that include vision , observation , assessment , and an appreciation of a work of art .

Signatures are fixed knock repeatedly on a song .
Examples of signatures : 2/4 , 3/4 , 4/4 , 6/8

Presentation CHOIR is composed vocal music dri 15 people or more are integrating various sound colors into one unified whole and can reveal the soul of the songs sung .
1 . Unisono Choir The choir is by using a single voice .
2 . Choir 2 similar sounds , that chorus that uses two similar human voice , for example: Sounds kind of woman , a kind man Sounds , Sounds similar children .
3 . Similar Choir 3 S - S - A , which is a kind of chorus using sound Soprano 1 , Soprano 2 and Alto .
4 . Mixed Voice Choir 3 S - A - B , the choir menggiunakan 3 sound mix , example : Soprano , Alto Bass . 5 . 3 type of chorus T - T - B , which is a kind of voice choir 3 male voice Tenor 1 , Tenor 2 , Bass . 6 . 4 Mixed Voice Choir , the choir mengguanakan mixture of male and female voice , with a sound S - A - T - B. Soprano , Alto , Tenor , Bass .

Conductor / CONDUCTOR is the person who leads the Choir .
The terms of a Conductor / Conductor good :
1 . have leadership qualities
2 . has a strong physical resistance
3 . should be physically and mentally healthy
4 . sympathetic
5 . mastered how to exercise effective
6 . have a good imagination
7 . have the knowledge , skills , and the ability to play music .

DYNAMIC SIGNS is a sign stating utuk hard , soft a song was sung .
Dynamic Signs examples :
1 . f : forte = loud
2 . ff : very loud fortissimo =
3 . fff : assai fortissimo = as hard as possible
4 . mf : mezzo forte = loud setemgah
5 . fp : piano forte = start with hard and soft followed
6 . p : piano = soft 7 . pp : pianissimo = very soft
8 . ppp : pianissimo possibile = gently as possible
9 . mp : mezzo piano = soft half

- Diminuendo ( dim ) : softening
- Perdendosi : softened up missing
- Smorzzande : little by little lost
- Calando : reducing hard
- Poco a poco : little by little / slowly
- Cresscendo : gradually hard
- Decrsescendo : soft fade

TEMPO SIGNS is a sign to show that diguakan fast or slow a song should be sung .
1 . Allegro : fast
2 . Allegratto : rather quickly
3 . Allegrissimo : faster
4 . Presto : fast
5 . Presstissimo : as soon as possible
6 . Vivase : fast and excited

1 . Moderato : medium
2 . Allegro moderato : rapidly being
3 . Andante : slowly
4 . Andantino : less rapidly

1 . Largo : slow
2 . Largissimo : slower
3 . Largeto : a little slow
4 . Adagio : very slow soulful
5 . Grave : very slow sad
6 . Lento : very slow since - relationship .

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